How video conferencing can actually help you keep your New Year’s Resolutions

Sparklers for celebrating new yearsIt’s the same routine at the end of every old year and the beginning of the new one. Except for this year, we’ve got a new decade to look forward to! With a fresh start comes resolutions we promise we’ll keep. After all, every one of us has good intentions to live a healthier, stronger, more capable life, but the reality is that it’s harder than it looks! Or is it?

What if video conferencing could actually help you keep your new year’s resolutions longer than a month? According to a survey of over 1,450 Americans, the most popular New Year’s resolutions are: Exercise to get in shape, diet to lose weight, save money, eat healthier in general, adopt a self-care routine and travel. Perfectly normal habits and attitudes towards living a healthy active lifestyle.

But let’s face it. Life gets in the way. Work demands are high and deadlines aren’t arbitrary. Family life requires time and patience, and self-care plays a pivotal role in one’s own personal growth journey. Those are a lot of balls to juggle! If any of these resolutions are on your list, this is how adopting video conferencing technology can provide you with a better work/life balanced routine that keeps you on top of your game both inside and outside the office.

Resolution #6: Exercise And Diet To Get In Shape

Rock climbing to stay heathyFor those on the go, just the thought of squeezing in an hour to exercise seems daunting. And with trekking to work in the morning rush, how is anyone expected to find an extra hour or two? The option of calling in to a meeting from home via video conferencing gives anyone the flexibility to carve out a block of time that would otherwise be reserved for commuting. By cutting out the commute, video conferencing from home (even if only for one morning or day a week!) provides the opportune time to do a home work out, make it to the gym, or go for a run.

Resolution #5: Save Money

Everyone can be a little more cognizant about where their money goes. Setting up video conferencing in this day and age on your computer is fast, easy, reliable, doesn’t involve downloads and FREE. Only relying on wifi and a computer, you are granted direct access to your team wherever they are. Your presentation, pitch, or interview can be pulled off flawlessly without you having to be there – or pay for gas, parking and maintaining a car.

What about saving on daycare expenses when you can work afternoons from home? And those $12 salads at lunch when you’ve got back-to-back meetings all day? As per findings from USA Today, Americans are spending, on average, $11 per meal when eating out during lunch hour, whereas the cost (on average) is $6.30 to prepare and make your own lunch. By video conferencing at home, you can prepare a bite to eat or grab some groceries on your break. This can save you from spending nearly $3,000 a year – only on lunch! Wouldn’t you rather go to a beach in the Caribbean? You can bring your computer with you and join your meeting through video conferencing, too!

Resolution #4: Travel More

One of the many perks of video conferencing is that it can be done anywhere with a solid wifi connection. A last-minute vacation might be more reasonable if you can bring your work with you. Or perhaps it’s more feasible to cut down commuting during the week to fit in more working (hello flexible hours!) so you can have the weekends to go on smaller road trips where you live.

Resolution #3: Getting Organized

It’s not uncommon to walk out of the office a little later than the day’s end. A meeting went on longer, emails kept coming in, employees wouldn’t stop knocking on your door. By implementing a communications strategy that involves more video conferencing, you can schedule your life to be better organized. Instead of rushing out of the meeting to make it to the store before it closes, schedule your online meeting via video conferencing ahead of time so you can make the quick dash in and out to the shops and still be on time for your meeting. Or bring it home with you!

Resolution #2: Eating Healthier

Heathy SaladWith a little bit of extra time and organization by means of video conferencing, preparing food and making healthier choices becomes smoother. You don’t have to decide between two fast food joints or fill up on sugary snacks from the office pantry when you hit the 3 pm brick wall. Instead, there’s a bit more time and forethought into what healthy choices you can make by thinking ahead for later in the day and packing a nutritious lunch that isn’t fried, processed or expensive!

Resolution #1: More Self Care

Establishing a routine gets things done. Having systems and processes in place creates a flow that increases productivity and promotes time management. When transitioning to a more video conferencing-based approach that’s scheduled, you can build the things you want to achieve around getting work done. If it’s available for you to establish flexible working hours from home every Friday afternoon or work longer hours in the office but take an extended lunch, these structures allow for the time to do the things that make you feel good. Pick up a yoga class during your break. Do a little shopping in your neighborhood once your online meeting wraps up – on time (did you know online meetings stay on schedule better than meetings done in person?). Have a sit-down breakfast with the family Monday morning instead of waiting in traffic!

Most resolutions are made to break a bad habit or reach a personal goal. Notice how the most popular resolutions revolve around being a more fully developed, healthier individual. The opportunities for this attitude towards a better work-life balance are endless with video conferencing technology that’s designed to bridge the gap between office life and home life.

Let be the video conferencing provider you need to make this new decade a happy and thriving one! Feel confident in your ability to produce good work and maintain strong connections with your team without having to stretch yourself too thin. With features like the Online Whiteboard, Screen Sharing and Video Recording, your work life can remain balanced and productive, making the next 10 years your best decade yet!

Happy New Year from!

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