Two often overlooked aspects of your podcast are the intro and outro. These pieces are so important to the success of your podcast as they are what pulls your listeners in initially and ensures that they come back for more. To make sure that you are capitalizing on this time, we have created this guide on how to carefully craft these two components.
The intro
The introduction to each new podcast episode is crucially important for pulling your audience in and holding their interest. This is especially so for first-time listeners who may not be familiar with your content and are shopping around for a new show to dive into. Here are a few tips on how to craft yours:
· Make it personal. Start by introducing yourself to your listeners and welcoming them to the show. Many hosts like to thank their audience for tuning in so that they know that their time is appreciated.
· Mention who the podcast is for. As the podcast’s host, you know your target demographic well and what types of people will find your content most appealing. Mentioning this will let first-time listeners know whether or not they are in the right place.
· Briefly introduce your podcast and what will be covered in this episode. This is where you will sell the episode to your listeners so make sure that your overview quickly touches on all of the most interesting aspects. Think about why your specific demographic finds your podcast intriguing and tell them how this episode’s content will engage them.
The outro
If your listener has made it this far, it is likely that they have enjoyed your content and would be willing to tune in again. Capitalize on this momentum by using these tips to make the journey back easy for them:
- Suggest that they connect with you. Start by mentioning one or two places that listeners can connect with you outside of the show. This could be through social media, email, your website, etc. Make sure to say it clearly and spell it out if necessary.
- Use a call-to-action. Since you don’t want to ask for too much from your audience, choose one action that you would like them to take at this point. This could include asking them to subscribe or leave a rating for your podcast. It could also be as simple as suggesting they tell a friend to check out the show out as well. If you need inspiration, check out this article on how to craft the perfect message for your show.
- Thank them for listening. Again, it’s just polite.
Final suggestions
Since these two sections of your podcast are incredibly important, many hosts choose to script them to ensure that all pertinent information is included. It can be easy to forget to mention your Instagram handle or ask your listeners to hit the subscribe button when you’re caught up in the moment.
Another strategy is to record both the intro and outro after the fact. This way, you are able to tailor your overview to what actually ends up being said. As you are recording, things can go off in directions that you weren’t initially expecting, and this method will allow you to incorporate these new aspects.
You’re ready to record!
Now that you are ready to make a lasting impression on your listeners, why not do it through TalkShoe and take advantage of the amazing FREE services that we offer? The platform allows you to record and stream your podcast live from anywhere. With unlimited hosting and storage, TalkShoe makes it easy so that all you have to worry about is creating your content.
Live in Toronto? You can come down to our state-of-the-art studio inside Stackt Market and record an episode here with us!